Comparison of drug delivery efficiency between mesh nebulizer, jet nebulizer and pMDI

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Comparison of drug delivery efficiency between mesh nebulizer, jet nebulizer and pMDI during noninvasive ventilation

Aerosol administration during non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is a common clinical drug administration method, but the drug administration efficiency of different drug delivery devices is different.

In a study, researchers used mesh nebulizers, jet nebulizers and pMDI, and applied different NIV masks to simulate adult lung models to explore drug administration efficiency.

Comparison of drug delivery efficiency between mesh nebulizer, jet nebulizer and pMDI

Salbutamol sulfate (2.5 mg/3 ml) was nebulized in a mesh nebulizer and a jet nebulizer, and the pMDI was sprayed 4 times (108 ug/puff). The drug was eluted from the filter and analyzed by UV spectrophotometry at 276 nm.

Conclusion: In the simulated adult lung model, the use of nebulizer and mask affects the drug delivery efficiency. The drug delivery volume of the mesh nebulizer is about 7 times higher than that of the pMDI and about 2 times higher than that of the jet nebulizer.


AlQuaimi MM, Fink JB, Ari A. Efficiency of different aerosol devices and masks during noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in a simulated adult lung model. J Respir Med Lung Dis. 2017;2(3):1018.