A brief analysis of the current status of nebulized inhalation therapy in primary pediatrics

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At present, nebulizer inhalation therapy has been widely used in the clinical treatment of pediatric respiratory diseases. However, in primary pediatrics, medical equipment is relatively backward, medical resources are limited, and nebulizer inhalation therapy is not well popularized. This means that most children with respiratory diseases in the local area can only control their condition through intravenous infusion. Primary hospitals that have carried out nebulizer inhalation therapy often have safety hazards due to the lack of understanding of nebulizer inhalation therapy by doctors and unreasonable selection of nebulizer inhalation drugs. Therefore, this article mainly analyzes the current status of nebulizer inhalation in primary pediatrics, and studies how to standardize nebulizer inhalation therapy in primary pediatrics so that nebulizer inhalation therapy can be better popularized in primary pediatrics.

A brief analysis of the current status of nebulized inhalation therapy in primary pediatrics

Respiratory diseases are one of the most common diseases in primary pediatrics. With the increase in the number of asthmatic diseases in children, the application of nebulizer inhalation therapy in pediatrics is also increasing. Now nebulizer inhalation therapy has been widely used in pediatric clinical treatment, such as post-infectious cough, bronchial asthma, bronchiolitis, mycoplasma pneumonia, allergic cough, acute pharyngitis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and other pediatric respiratory diseases [1]. However, nebulizer inhalation therapy is not yet popular in primary pediatrics. Many doctors are not very clear about the method of nebulizer inhalation and the choice of drugs, and do not understand the working principle of nebulizers. As a result, nebulizer inhalation therapy in primary pediatrics is not standardized. For example, many primary hospitals, especially township health centers, are still using ultrasonic nebulizers to treat bronchial asthma, dexamethasone injection nebulizer inhalation, and Chinese patent medicine injection nebulizer inhalation, etc., all of which have safety risks. How to make primary pediatric doctors better understand the principle of nebulizer inhalation therapy and standardize medication, how to standardize nebulizer inhalation therapy, and reduce intravenous infusion are the key points that need to be studied.

【Key words】 nebulized inhalation therapy; respiratory diseases; primary pediatrics;